I must confess that I have a horrible habit of drooling all over everyone's pictures of knitted wool! I love to look through blogs, forums, anywhere and everywhere at beautiful knit creations! If it involves a baby I love it even more!
When I started cloth diapering I tried wool interlock for soakers and I loved them. Then during the hotter months I switched mostly to PUL diapers and I loved them too. Then I decided to order a custom pair of woolie shorties after seeing someones amazing creations and we ended up with our owl set, which I LOVE! Now a few pairs later and I decided that I MUST learn to knit!!
Now, I tried this once before. Right before I had Tristan last year, I went and bought all of the needles some yarn and a pattern. I cast on and started a pair of longies. Not even 1/4 of the way through I realized they were so big they would fit a 4 year old(they were newborn sized!) and there were so many holes(can you say dropped stitches?) that pee would leak right out!! So I did what any rational pregnant woman would do, I threw a fit, sold the needles and swore I would never knit!
Now over a year later, I was a determined! I went BACK to the store, bought the needles all over again and found some wool yarn on ebay. Last Sunday night I started! And this past Sunday afternoon I finished! My very first pair of woolies!! I love them, just because I made them, but there are quite a few mistakes. Thankfully I think I have learned what I did wrong and the next pair will go faster and easier, at least I hope!
I made a tee for Tristan today to match and I am hoping to go to the Pumpkin Patch later this week to get some action shots. Here is a preview though for now!! Oh and I can't say enough how much I love youtube and knittinghelp.com, they were wonderful and really helped when I didn't understand the pattern!